Obesity has become a serious disease worldwide.
For the first time ever, underweight and overweight balance each other on Earth: 1.1 billion people are starving every day – 1.1 billion are overweight, and the numbers are steadily increasing.
According to the Robert Koch Institute , 54% of the population in Germany is also affected by obesity . 1
As the disease occurs mainly in developed countries, it can be said that obesity has become a global luxury problem .
But what exactly is obesity?
Obesity, also known as obesity , is a chronic condition that causes excessive body fat formation.
Depending on the extent of overweight , a distinction is made between 3 degrees, which are determined and classified using the Body Mass Index (BMI).
The group most commonly affected by obesity is young women. In addition, the disease also increasingly begins in children and adolescents .
If nothing is done to combat obesity, physical problems such as cardiovascular disease or diabetes mellitus can occur in the long term.
Find out everything you need to know about obesity and how to recognize and classify it using the BMI calculator!
At what BMI does obesity start?
Before we get into this question, you should know that obesity is not the same as obesity. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) , we differentiate between three degrees of obesity depending on their severity .
In this way, you can better assess the risk of possible secondary diseases and classify the disease.
The body mass index, BMI for short, is an aid to this. Although this cannot be used to determine the distribution of body fat, the key figure provides a rough estimate of whether one is within the range of normal weight or whether there is a risk of obesity.
In order to calculate the BMI, one puts the body weight in kilograms in relation to the body height in meters to the square . Sounds complicated?
But it doesn't have to be! Because with already programmed online tests, such as our BMI calculator, you can simply enter your body weight, height, age and gender . The last two factors are important because, for example, a woman's BMI changes from the man's BMI due to physical composition.
In this way, you can quickly obtain an individual value that can be easily classified using the who BMI table .
In general, people with a BMI of 25 or more are considered to be overweight and those with a BMI of 30 or more are considered to be obese .
At this point, it is important to mention that the BMI can only give an approximate classification in a weight category. Since individual factors as well as pre-existing conditions play a role, consultation with healthcare professionals may also be necessary.

What is obesity explained simply?
The German Obesity Society defines obesity as an increase in body fat beyond the normal level, which is why it is also colloquially referred to as obesity or obesity. In other words, it is a disease that is associated with significant obesity.
Those affected usually suffer twice: On the one hand, the figure does not correspond to the social ideal of beauty in the " slimming delusion". On the other hand, obesity is a serious, chronic disease that comes with additional risks and can lead to further health problems.
For example, it is one of the most common risk factors for the metabolic disease diabetes mellitus and also the risk of cardiovascular disease and some forms of cancer is significantly increased by obesity.
How does obesity develop?
Obesity usually occurs when you absorb more energy from food than your body can consume.
Often there is also a lack of exercise , so that the excess energy is not processed but stored in the form of fat cells, and an increased risk of obesity arises.
The fat deposits created as a result are only broken down if the body is supplied with too little energy, i.e. food, over a longer period of time.
This imbalance between energy intake and energy consumption can lead to overweight and obesity in the long term.
Nevertheless, it should be noted that genetic and psychological factors can also play an important role in the development of obesity.
Risk factors for obesity
- Genetic factors
Unhealthy lifestyle:
- Lack of exercise
- Large amount of foods with high calorie density
- Low-fiber or high-fat diet
- Stress, depression, and lack of sleep
- Eating disorders
- Metabolic diseases
- Certain medications
Childhood obesity
According to the study results of the nationwide child and adolescent health survey, overweight and obesity in children and adolescents represent a significant health problem . 1
However, this does not mean the so-called baby fat in infants. This is not only cute but also completely harmless .
However, not every child regresses their high body fat percentage over time, which may indicate obesity.
The problem with this is that overweight children usually remain overweight as adults. To give a concrete figure: it is estimated that about 75% of all children who have a significantly increased BMI at the age of 10-11 years are obese in adulthood.
Although overweight in children and adolescents has the same long-term consequences as in adults, some damage already occurs in childhood.
The earlier obesity begins, the more serious the secondary diseases are later.
What is Grade 1 obesity?
Grade 1 obesity is generally present in people with a BMI of 30 or more. However, depending on age and gender, the classification may be slightly different.

Here, the German Obesity Society warns: The risk of secondary diseases is already slightly increased.
In addition to high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes mellitus, a heart attack or stroke is also most likely.
Grade 2 obesity
If the BMI calculator determines values between 35 and 39.9, there is a moderate obesity of grade 2.
In this form, even simple movements are difficult for those affected. Likewise, the risk of heart attack and stroke is rapidly increasing.
With diets alone, it is often no longer possible to fight grade 2 obesity.
Above all, the yo-yo effect in radical diets makes the weight loss process extremely difficult. Just as quickly as the kilos disappear, they also return.
What is Grade 3 obesity?
From a BMI above 40 , you are affected by the most severe form of the disease. At this stage, severe sequelae are most likely.
In addition to obesity, there are other symptoms such as shortness of breath , uncontrolled sweating , and severe joint pain .
The psychological complaints such as self-doubt and depression also represent an additional burden. Affected people reach their limits both physically and mentally.
In addition to medical help, psychological services such as behavioral therapy can offer support. With the help of therapy, eating habits can be reconsidered and improved.

Healthy diet for obesity
Lifestyle in particular plays a crucial role in the prevention and treatment of obesity:
A balanced, healthy diet , plenty of exercise and regular weight control are the most important aids to keep your body weight in the normal range or to support you in losing weight.
It is important to incorporate enough exercise and, above all, enough fiber into your healthy breakfast . Calorie-dense foods with a lot of unhealthy fats and sugars should be avoided.
It is therefore better if you eat a lot of fruits and vegetables as well as whole grains . Chia seeds , for example, are not only very high in fiber but also provide you with enough healthy fats.
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1.Schienkiewitz A, Mensink GBM, Kuhnert R, Lange C. Overweight and obesity in adults in Germany. Overweight and obesity in adults in Germany. Published 2017. Accessed May 6, 2021. https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/Gesundheitsmonitoring/Gesundheitsberichterstattung/GBEDownloadsJ/FactSheets/JoHM_2017_02_Uebergewicht_Adipositas_Erwachsene.pdf?__blob=publicationFile#:~:text=After%20de